Easier Bidding

Speed up the bid process and ensure you have the best sub-contractors for each element of the job. Using SemBlueInc’s FREE online plan room, you can quickly and efficiently get a digital copy of your project to interested bidders next door or across the county, day or night. With password protection and secure pdf files, you can be assured that only the most up to date plans are being viewed at any time.

All of these services are offered, FREE OF CHARGE, to architects, engineers or contractors. The benefits to you include:

  • Reduces the time your office staff has to deal with unorganized plans and specs
  • Eliminates the need to maintain an FTP site
  • Stops the calls from out of town bidders inquiring about jobs, when they bid and what pages they need
  • Controls the cost to distribute plans electronically through other pay sites such as isqft and SmartBid
  • Rely on a company that understands how to organize files, provide help and answers to subs unfamiliar with electronic files and easies the constant requirements and stress on your staff faces each time you bid a project